Kids and Sunglasses: Why it’s important!

Due to widespread awareness about the dangers of ultraviolet (UV) rays, most parents have been very cautious about protecting kids’ skin with sunblock, hats and clothing. However, what is usually overlooked is a good pair of sunglasses. 

Children are more susceptible to damage from UV exposure, which can penetrate deep into the eye and can increase the onset of eye problems in the future.  It’s really important we protect their vision, especially because kids spend lots of time outside and their eyes haven’t fully developed yet. More importantly, sunglasses may save their skin and eyes later in life by blocking the sun’s powerful UV rays.  Children under age 10 are at a high risk for skin and eye damage from UV exposure. The skin on their eyelids and around their eyes is more delicate and vulnerable than adult skin. 

UV ray damage builds over time, so the sooner you start protecting your children’s eyes from the sun, the lower their risk will be of ever developing future eye problems.

Here are a few tips to follow to help you find the right sunglasses for your kids:

  • UV Protection – Sunglasses for children should block 100% of UV radiation as well as between 75 – 90% of visible light. Any sunglasses you buy should have this information provided in the packaging 
  • Durability – Kids run, trip and fall. Their sunglasses should match this active lifestyle. Lenses should be made of a high impact material such as polycarbonate to prevent any breakages or scratches. Frames should be bendable but unbreakable. Make sure the glasses fit snugly, close to the face.
  • Spring hinges – Hinges that extend beyond 90 degrees and have a spring action to keep the fit of the frame snug will decrease the risk of your child’s sunglasses falling off or getting damaged during sports and other play.
  • Let them choose – You’re not the one who has to wear the glasses or hear other kids’ comments on them. Children and especially older kids/teens – are likelier to actually wear them if they select them themselves.
  • Fit & Comfort – Children’s sunglasses should offer good eye coverage and fit comfortably. Allow your child to try on various pairs to find something that is comfortable and fits correctly.
  • Set an Example – Kids at a young age look up to their parents so set a good example! Ensure you’re wearing your sunglasses every time you go outside if you want your child to do the same.

If your child has prescription sunglasses, be sure they are made with UV blocking clear lenses. You can get them a second pair with tinted polycarbonate lenses, or you can get photochromic lenses that change from light to dark to avoid having two pairs.

Sunglasses do not have to be expensive.  Many inexpensive children’s sunglasses provide excellent UV protection because they include polycarbonate lenses which blocks 100 percent of UV.

Beware because some cheap brands of sunglasses for children can include an unacceptable level of lead and usually are not durable or as high-quality as other sunglasses.

Start with an eye exam – because children’s eyes change so rapidly, make sure your child is seeing well.  Children who do not need vision correction should have an eye exam at least every two years.  Children who need glasses or contact lenses should have an eye exam annually or as recommended by your eye doctor.


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June is Cataract Awareness Month

I remember my father experiencing the removal of cataracts in the early 60’s, and being told by his Ophthalmologist that the recovery time would be weeks rather than days and a positive outcome was not guaranteed.  The truth is that surgery of any kind carries with it a certain amount of risk.  But now the removal of cataracts has become routine for thousands thanks to amazing technology and gifted eye surgeons.  To the doctor, the surgery might be considered routine.  But to the patient, when vision is at risk their concerns and real fears are not in any way routine.

A year ago at 96 years young, my friend and actress Betty White was worried about her vision.  She told me that she was having a great deal of difficulty reading scripts and that her eyes would tire with the strain of trying to see the pages.  Her ophthalmologist determined that the removal of cataracts was necessary and the surgery on the first eye was scheduled for the next Tuesday.  “Is it safe? she asked me.”  I assured my friend that the removal of cataracts was not something to be afraid of.  “It’s routine” I told her.  “Please don’t be frightened.” Betty’s surgery was completely successful.  In fact, she tells me she can read everything including the smallest print on any label.

At the Discovery Eye Foundation (DEF), we are committed to supporting research that we believe will make the treatment of many forms of vision loss far more predictable and successful. Whether it’s through the breakthroughs in surgery or the development of new drugs or the advancement in genetics or the use of stem-cells the major forms of vision loss are being greatly affected through the power of your contributions and the commitment of the gifted researchers DEF supports. 

Please know that the dollars you contribute to DEF will go directly into the hands of the researchers where they can do the most good.

All of us at the Discovery Eye Foundation thank you for your support and look forward to a time when most forms of blindness will no longer limit vision.


Tom Sullivan
DEF’s Ambassador of Vision

Firework Eye Safety Month


Firework injuries cause over 10,000 visits to the emergency room each year, according to data from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.  As families and communities make plans for a star-spangled Fourth of July, the Discovery Eye Foundation is shining a light on fireworks safety month.

Fireworks are dangerous, and the month around July 4th is the most dangerous time. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s most recent annual fireworks injury report (PDF) fireworks caused eight deaths and nearly 13,000 injuries in 2017. Two-thirds of the fireworks injuries treated in emergency rooms happened between mid-June and mid-July.

Fireworks may be advertised like toys around the Fourth of July. You may think you know how to handle them safely. But playing with fireworks can blind you or your loved ones. Leave fireworks to the professionals.

The most recent Consumer Product Safety Commission report found that 14% of fireworks injuries involved eyes. In the most severe cases, fireworks can rupture the globe of the eye, cause chemical and thermal burns, corneal abrasions and retinal detachment — all of which can cause permanent eye damage and vision loss.

Children and young adults are frequent victims. Children age 15 and under accounted for 36% of the total injuries, according to the commission’s report. And half of the injuries requiring an emergency room visit were to people age 20 or younger.

Even sparklers can be dangerous, as they burn at more than 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Sparklers were responsible for 1,200 of the injuries in the latest report, and a sparkler mishap caused one of the fireworks deaths reported in 2017.

Fireworks Safety Tips

The best way to avoid a potentially blinding fireworks injury is by attending a professional, public fireworks show rather than purchasing fireworks for home use.

If you attend or live near a professional fireworks show:

  • Respect safety barriers, follow all safety instructions and view fireworks from at least 500 feet away.
  • Do not touch unexploded fireworks; instead, immediately contact local fire or police departments to help.

For those who decide to purchase and use fireworks, follow these safety tips:

  • Do not allow young children to play with fireworks. Sparklers, a firework often considered by many to be the ideal “safe” device for the young, burn at very high temperatures and should be not be handled by young children. Children may not understand the danger involved with fireworks and may not act appropriately while using the devices or in case of emergency.
  • Older children should be permitted to use fireworks only under close adult supervision.
  • Do not allow any running or horseplay with the fireworks.
  • Set off fireworks outdoors in a clear area, away from houses, dry leaves, or grass and other flammable materials.
  • Keep a bucket of water nearby for emergencies and for pouring on fireworks that fail to ignite or explode.
  • Do not try to relight or handle malfunctioning or “dud” fireworks. Soak them with water and throw them away.
  • Be sure other people are out of range before lighting fireworks.
  • Never light fireworks in a container, especially a glass or metal container.
  • Keep unused fireworks away from firing areas.
  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place.
  • Check instructions for special storage directions.
  • Observe local laws.
  • Never have any portion of your body directly over a firework while lighting.
  • Do not experiment with homemade fireworks.

What to Do for a Fireworks Eye Injury

Fireworks-related eye injuries can combine blunt force trauma, heat burns and chemical exposure. If an eye injury from fireworks occurs, it should be considered a medical emergency.

  • Do not rub the eye. Rubbing the eye may increase bleeding or make the injury worse.
  • Do not attempt to rinse out the eye. This can be even more damaging than rubbing.
  • Do not apply pressure to the eye itself. Apply a clean eye patch, hold or tape the bottom of a foam cup or the bottom of a juice carton over injured eye. Protecting the eye from further contact with any item, including the child’s hand, is the goal.
  • Do not stop for pain medicine! Over-the-counter pain relievers will not do much to relieve pain. Aspirin (should never be given to children) and ibuprofen can thin the blood, increasing bleeding. Take the child to the emergency room at once – this is more important than stopping for a pain reliever.
  • Do not apply ointment. Ointment, which may not be sterile, makes the area around the eye slippery and harder for the doctor to examine.

Keep Fireworks Fun

Unexpected injuries not only ruin celebrations, but they can also dramatically change lives. Keep fireworks fun by remembering these tips and being smart about how you use fireworks. Stay safe out there!

Real Firework Eye  Injuries

My Eyes on the World

As I write this blog, I’m thinking about tomorrow – one of the landmark days of my life, my 50th Wedding Anniversary.  Fifty years married to Patty, my wife, my best friend, my lover, the mother of our children, and my eyes on the world.  It’s Patty’s eyes that have navigated our live’s journey.  From describing a beautiful California sunset to deciding what I should wear to that very important meeting, Patty’s eyes have effortlessly and lovingly turned the darkness of my blindness into a life full of light, love, and joy.

Tomorrow evening we will dress for each other and as always I will feel a twinge of sadness because although in every way I appreciate Patty’s beauty and believe I have a special ability to see her inside-out, I’m sure that she wishes that I could take in the complete picture of who she is without limitation.  It’s said that the eyes are the windows to the soul.  If that’s really true, it’s Patty’s eyes that bond us together heart to heart and soul to soul.

So make sure that you take a look – a real look at the people you love and realize the importance of what it means to see.  At Discovery Eye, we are committed with your help to finding the answers that will allow people to enjoy the vision that makes every day and every anniversary worth living. 


Tom Sullivan
DEF’s Ambassador of Vision

Low Vision

Low vision is the term used to describe significant visual impairment that can’t be corrected fully with glasses, contact lenses, medication or eye surgery.  Low vision causes a person to be unable to accomplish some daily tasks due to sight impairments. Low vision occurs when an individual struggles with any of the following common activities:

  • Reading
  • Everyday tasks like personal grooming
  • Viewing photos
  • Recognizing faces

Millions of Americans experience a normal loss of vision as they get older and the number of individuals who develop vision problems due to health conditions is projected to continue to rise.

There are many things that can cause low vision, including:

A few simple approaches can be:

  • Getting an eye exam
  • Update your reading glasses
  • Use bright light for reading

If these do not work for you, ask your eye care professional for help or ask for a referral to a low vision specialist.

Low Vision Technology 

Individuals with eye disease related to age, or vision compromised due to injury, may benefit from the usage of low vision devices.

There are two primary categories for low vision devices: Magnifiers for viewing things and objects that are close to you (magnifying lenses or machines), and magnifiers used for viewing objects and images at a distance (telescopic lenses). Many lighted magnifiers for close objects improve readability by increasing illumination.  With the advances in technology, many low vision devices are available to provide multiple function (near and distance) magnification and visual aid.

Technology is advancing to meet the growing needs of people with low vision impairment. There are a number of products that can help individuals with low vision. While considering the correct vision enhancer, keep in mind a few objectives:

  • What is the visual ability of the individual? Low vision aids are created with different options for specific low vision needs.
  • What tasks will the visual enhancer be used for? Find out what each product is best used for to decide if it will meet the needs of the individual.
  • Is the device easy to use? The right device should be easy for you to use.
  • How much does it cost? The cost of low vision aids can vary depending on a number of factors.

Popular products include:

Portable magnifiers and lighted magnifiers- offer magnified reading on the go. Perfect for menus, shopping lists, label reading, and more, portable magnifiers can fit in your pocket, purse, or be worn on the belt for quick, easy use.


Wearable magnifiers – wearable technology is the future for those with low vision who live an active lifestyle.  Wearable options make it possible to see and take part in everyday tasks, such as reading and recognizing faces.


Transportable magnification screens are perfect for close up viewing as well as distance viewing. These great viewers offer great flexibility, from watching TV to using the mirror image feature for self-viewing. There are APPS for smart phones that can be used to magnify reading material.


Desktop devices for reading books, bills or letters – these have large, bright screens. A reading table offers visual aid for reading books, optional computer connectivity and more. This family of portable magnification units offers up to 75x magnification.



Consult a Low Vision Specialist–Consider making an appointment with a trained low vision specialist if you have specialized needs. They are available in larger cities or can be found by contacting The Braille Institute or by an internet search. Talk with your low vision specialist to find out which is right for you and where you can find them.

In addition to low vision devices and good lighting, inexpensive non-optical adaptive aids can assist with routine daily activities. These devices include:

  • Large-print cookbooks
  • Large-numbered playing cards, clocks, telephones and watches
  • Electronic “talking” clocks, kitchen timers, thermometers, blood pressure meters and even pill bottles
  • Large felt-tip pens and wide-lined paper for writing notes
  • Color-coded pill boxes
  • Signature guides help in writing your signature in the correct place

Many of these items can be found at your local drugstore, discount store or bookstore. Your low vision specialist can recommend retail sources for non-optical adaptive aids.

Vision loss can definitely be alarming but learning how to adapt, with the aid of low-vision specialists, can result in continued independence.  As low vision aids are tools focused on helping with the physical aspect, it is also important to seek the help of a counselor for psychological counseling if needed or join a support group, that may provide the help you need. Finally, maintaining a social network and asking for help will enrich your life, and help maintain your independence and quality of life.








There is an old Irish ditty I often heard as a little boy.  It goes something like this:

“One bright and guiding light that taught me wrong from right I found in my mother’s eyes. Those baby tales she told of roads all paved with gold I found in my mother’s eyes”.

As a blind child there was so much I found in my mother’s eyes.  From as early as I can remember, she read me stories that spanned from Robert Lewis Stephenson’s adventures like “Treasure Island” to the book that always made both of us cry – “Black Beauty.”

As a teenager and young adult, her eyes made it possible for me to venture into the world knowing as she liked to say…”dressed to the nines.” And then, when I married my wife, Patty, my mother had strong opinions about the choice of tuxedo I should wear on our wedding day.  I can still remember hearing her talk about how much she loved to see the first smiles on the faces of our children, Blythe & Tom. 

As she grew older, it was her eyes that kept her connected to the world.  Every morning, she read her Boston Globe from cover to cover, and on afternoon television she never missed her Soap Operas – “The Guiding Light,” and “Search for Tomorrow.” And then, there was the NBC Nightly News with her on-going crush on Tom Brokaw.

April is Women’s Eye Health Month along with celebrating the need for Sports Eye Safety.  I can still remember my mother crying when she watched Cleveland Indian’s left-handed pitcher Herb Score hit with a line-drive costing him his sight.  Research goes hand in hand with eye-safety to preserve vision.  The Discovery Eye Foundation is committed to finding the answers that will preserve vision and allow women and mothers the blessing of seeing the smiles on the faces of the children they love.


Tom Sullivan
DEF’s Ambassador of Vision


Why Lutein & Zeaxanthin are vital for healthy vision.

Good nutrition is important to keep your eyes healthy.  Researchers have linked two very important eye nutrients that play a key role in healthy vision.  Lutein (LOO-teen) and Zeaxanthin (zee-ah-ZAN-thin), both are potent antioxidants and are best known for protecting your eyes and may reduce your risk for macular degeneration and cataracts.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are two types of carotenoids (kuh-RAH-teh-noids), which are yellow to red pigments found widely in vegetables and other plants and lutein is a yellow pigment, in high concentrations it appears orange-red.

Both lutein and zeaxanthin can also be found in high concentrations in the macula of the human eye.  The macula is essential for vision. Lutein and zeaxanthin work as important antioxidants in this area by protecting your eyes from harmful free radicals. It’s thought that a reduction of these antioxidants over time can impair eye health.  Along with other natural antioxidants, including vitamin C, beta-carotene (vitamin A) and vitamin E, these important pigments guard the body from damaging effects of free radicals, which are reactive molecules that can destroy cells and play a role in many diseases.  It is also believed that lutein and zeaxanthin in the macula block blue light from reaching the underlying structures in the retina, thereby reducing the risk of light-induced oxidative damage that could lead to macular degeneration (AMD).

Unfortunately, the human body does not naturally make the lutein and zeaxanthin it needs. This is why getting daily amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin through your diet or nutritional supplements can help maintain good eye health.


Foods that Contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Diets rich in these two nutrients may help hold off age-related eye diseases. The best natural food sources of lutein and zeaxanthin are green leafy vegetables and other green or yellow vegetables. Among these, cooked kale and cooked spinach top the list.

Key sources of these carotenoids include kale, parsley, spinach, broccoli and peas. Orange juice, honeydew melon, kiwis, red peppers, squash and grapes are also good sources of lutein and zeaxanthin.

In addition, egg yolk may be an important source of lutein and zeaxanthin, as the high fat content of the yolk may improve the absorption of these nutrients.

For eye healthy recipes visit Eye Cook

Lutein and Zeaxanthin Supplements

Because of the benefits of lutein and zeaxanthin, many nutritional companies have added these carotenoids to their multiple vitamin formulas. Others have introduced special eye vitamins that are predominantly lutein and zeaxanthin supplements.

Some popular lutein and zeaxanthin supplements include:

  • MacuHealth with LMZ3 (MacuHealth LLC)
  • EyePromise Zeaxanthin (Zeavision)
  • ICaps Eye Vitamin Lutein & Zeaxanthin Formula (Alcon)
  • Macula Complete (Biosyntrx)
  • MacularProtect Complete (ScienceBased Health)
  • MaxiVision Ocular Formula (MedOp)
  • OcuGuard Plus (TwinLab)
  • Ocuvite (Bausch + Lomb

The source of lutein in many lutein supplements is marigold flowers, while for zeaxanthin it is often red peppers. If you choose a lutein and zeaxanthin supplement, make sure it’s a high quality product from a reputable dietary supplement company.

Be sure to keep in mind that individuals sometimes react differently to certain supplements, which can have unintended effects such as adverse reactions with medications. Consult with your physician or eye doctor before trying any vision supplements.

For Eye Healthy Recipes visit Eye Cook

Remember that taking dietary supplements does not replace a healthy diet. Eating a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables usually is the best way to get the important eye nutrients you need.

Too Much Screen Time:  Is it bad for kids?

Children and their phones, iPads and gaming devices are inseparable today. Most are growing up with a wide selection of electronic devices at their fingertips. They can’t imagine a world without the internet, smartphones and tablets.  Although, all that reading and playing games on their handheld devices may be harmful.  But it’s not just kids who are getting too much screen time. Many parents struggle with over use of screen time themselves.  So it’s important to understand how too much screen time could be harming everyone in the family.

Children can experience at least one of the following symptoms after being exposed to more than two hours of screen time per day:

  • Headaches
  • Neck/shoulder pain
  • Eye strain, dry or irritated eyes
  • Reduced attention span
  • Poor behavior
  • Irritability

Any of these symptoms could potentially affect academic performance and social interactions.

The worldwide rapid rise of nearsightedness has been linked to increased use of and exposure to electronic devices. However, spending more time outdoors, especially in early childhood, can decrease the progression of nearsightedness.

Blue Light can be harmful

The LED screens of computers and portable digital devices emit a broad spectrum of visible light. Most of these light rays are harmless, but a portion of the light emitted by these screens is relatively high-energy visible light called “blue light.”

Blue light has shorter wavelengths and higher energy than other visible light rays. Some laboratory research suggests certain bands of blue light may be harmful to the light-sensitive retina of the eye over time.

Blue light also plays an important role in regulating our body’s circadian rhythm. This basically is an internal clock that’s running in our brain and cycles between alertness and sleepiness at regular intervals over a 24-hour period.

Too much exposure to blue light at the wrong time of day can disrupt a person’s normal sleep/wake cycle, which can have serious health consequences.  Sleep disruption can be especially problematic for children, leading to daytime drowsiness and poor performance in school. Some authorities feel that disruption of the sleep/wake cycle also can eventually lead to weight gain and obesity-related health problems.

Research has shown that people who experience disrupted 24-hour cycles of sleep and activity also are more likely to have mood disorders, lower levels of happiness and greater feelings of loneliness.

How to cut back on screen time

  • Set a limit on daily screen time. Make it clear to your kids and stick to it.
  • Encourage your child to spend some of that screen-free time outdoors while it is still light.
  • Establish screen-free zones: For example, no smartphone use for anyone in the family in the car,  at restaurants, or at the dinner table.
  • No screens in the bedroom when it is time for bed. No exceptions.
  • As parents you can be a model for moderate screen use. Show your children, with your own behavior, how to live a rich, varied and healthy life where all habits are practiced in moderation.

It is also very important to teach your child good eye habits, below are few tips from experts:

  • You can set a kitchen timer or a smart device timer to remind them.
  • Alternate reading an e-book with a real book and encourage kids to look up and out the window every two chapters.
  • After completing a level in a video game, look out the window for 20 seconds.
  • Pre-mark books with a paperclip every few chapters to remind your child to look up. On an e-book, use the “bookmark” function for the same effect.
  • Avoid using a computer outside or in brightly lit areas, as the glare on the screen can create eye strain.
  • Adjust the brightness and contrast of your computer screen so that it feels comfortable to you.
  • Use good posture when using a computer and when reading.
  • Encourage your child to hold digital media farther away, 18 to 24 inches is ideal.
  • Create a distraction that causes your child to look up every now and then.
  • Remind them to blink when watching a screen.

Finally, it is very important to make sure your child gets a regular eye exam by a pediatric ophthalmologist or optometrist.  This will help monitor your child’s vision and eye health.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration Month

Have you ever noticed how many people, places, things, and even a rather unattractive groundhog are designated and honored with a day, a month, or a year?  Now, I am not putting down Punxsutawney Phil because I do want him to see his shadow and promise us an early spring.  In our designation of things, we also should pay homage to values and causes that are important in our history and our health.  I am glad that I am reminded every November of our Veterans on a special day or the Presidents who have served our nation.  Certainly Dr. King’s birthday and Black History Month place an appropriate focus on issues that society is still working to solve.

So, I was delighted when I heard that February is Age-Related Macular Degeneration Month.  More than any other eye disease AMD affects the largest number of people over 65 of European lineage.  In fact, as I write this piece, over 15 million Americans are struggling within its dry form, currently an incurable condition.  It’s projected that if we are not able to solve the riddle of AMD by the year 2050, the number of senior Americans with AMD will be more than 30 million.

The Discovery Eye Foundation is committed to finding the answer that will preserve the vision of millions of people.  Right now research supported by DEF at the Gavin Herbert Eye Institute, University of California Irvine, Medical School is on the cutting edge of promising breakthroughs that could make the difference in the lives of so many.  

Please join me in supporting this most worthy effort by contributing whatever you can to DEF and its important work.  Our vision may depend on your generosity.


Tom Sullivan
DEF’s Ambassador of Vision

Mitochondrial Revolution: New Hope for AMD and Aging Diseases

How many times have we heard: “This field has been thoroughly studied, and we know all there is to know; there is no reason to continue investigating, because there is nothing more to find out on the subject”? This has been the attitude of some researchers with respect to the importance of mitochondria and diseases. For more than 50 years, we have known that mitochondria, which are the “batteries” of the cell, are critical for energy production. But many believed they did not have other major roles in the health of the cell, so when it came to developing drugs against diseases, mitochondria were overlooked.

That idea has now been turned on its head.


Led by Discovery Eye Foundation (DEF) Research Director Dr. Cristina Kenney, the Mitochondria Research Group believed that, to really discover something new, you have to look in novel areas. This group has done just that. Using the transmitochondrial cybrid model, which are cell lines with identical nuclei, but with each line containing mitochondria from a different person, they have shown that the mitochondria have major regulation powers over cell behavior and expression of disease-related pathways. This is significant, because the mitochondria then become a target for therapies to combat diseases.

Kenney’s group is investigating various drugs and substances that will keep the mitochondria healthy and, ultimately, improve the health of the retinal cells in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). But it does not stop there. This same approach to developing mitochondria-targeting drugs is being pursued for drugs to treat Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, leukemia, various cancers, heart failure, thrombosis, stroke, diabetic retinopathy, Leber hereditary optic neuropathy, and even liver toxicity from acetaminophen.

The continued support from DEF, especially in the early stages of the mitochondria research, has fostered a new area to be opened up, specifically for AMD and diabetic retinopathy. In turn, this has allowed new collaborations among Kenney and researchers from the eye field, and laboratories studying the brain and neurodegeneration, cardiology, cancer therapies and methods to reduce side effects from cancer drugs. Kenney’s discoveries using cybrids have revolutionized the field of mitochondrial research, showing that mitochondria have wide-ranging biological effects never imagined and opening up the field of mitochondrial therapy to careful investigation.

You can help make a difference by supporting DEF’s sight saving research. Help our researchers advance AMD research by donating today! 



Lauren HauptmanLauren Hauptman
Lauren Hauptman Ink