When Is The Best Time For Cataract Surgery?

As you age, cataracts become a concern prompting the question – when is the best time for cataract surgery?

There are decades worth of old wives tales floating around regarding cataracts that often lead to unnecessary fear and apprehension for many patients. These myths involve concepts such as “ripeness”, having to wear eye patches afterwards, danger in “waiting too long, etc. Just as the techniques of cataract extraction have changed over the decades, so have the indications to proceed to surgery.
best time for cataract surgery - people
Firstly, cataracts are a normal part of the aging process. Patients should not be alarmed if they are told that they are developing cataracts, even as early as their fifties. As we age, the natural clear lens inside the eye becomes progressively harder, darker, and cloudier. This dark, cloudy lens is what is referred to as a cataract. Cataracts develop at different rates for different people, and even between the two eyes of the same person. It typically takes many years for the lens to become cloudy enough to impact the clarity of vision. There are many different types of cataracts depending of what area of the lens becomes cloudy, but the typical cataract related to normal aging results in a relatively uniform cloudiness with a denser central core, and is referred to as “Nuclear Sclerosis”. Other varieties of cataracts tend to grow more quickly, are relatively uncommon, and often result from certain conditions other than typical aging.
best time for cataract surgery
Regardless of what type of cataract the patient has, the treatment is the same: cataract extraction with an implant of an intraocular lens. There have been great advances in lens design over the years, and they now result in excellent, stable, predictable vision for the remainder of the patient’s lifetime and do not typically need to be changed once implanted.

Cataracts result in different symptoms that may be more of less relevant to a specific person’s needs, such as:

  • Glare with bright lights
  • Difficulty with fine print
  • Difficulty following the golf or tennis ball
  • Impairment in night driving
  • Difficulty with seeing street signs
  • Seeing the score or small print on the television
  • Fine visual tasks such as threading a needle, etc.

Although cataract surgery is an incredibly successful procedure with only about a 1-2% risk of complications, it still DOES have some risk. Therefore, cataract surgery should only be undertaken when there is something to gain. In other words, the BENEFITS MUST OUTWEIGH THE RISKS. This means that if your symptoms are mild and are not interfering with your activities of daily living, it is not time to accept the risks of surgery. Once your visual impairment progresses to the point that YOU feel your activities of daily living and enjoyment are impaired, this is the time to proceed to surgery. This threshold is very different between people. Some people feel impaired with vision of 20/25, and others still function within their scope of usual activities until they are 20/100! The best first-step in determining if it is time for your surgery is to get an up-to date refraction. This means a detailed check for new glasses. Often, cataract development will change a person’s glasses prescription, and updating this can improve the visual symptoms for months to years. When a new glasses prescription no longer improves the sight adequately, this is when surgery is indicated.

For the most part, putting off cataract surgery does not impact the final outcome. It will not harm you or your eye to leave the cataract alone until you are ready. There are of course certain exceptions to this rule, such as in Fuchs’ dystrophy, pseudoexfolation, untreated narrow-angle glaucoma, and some others. However, these are relatively rare conditions that your doctor will speak to you about if you have any of these diagnoses.

In summary, the time to proceed to cataract surgery is something that you as the patient determine. YOU assess your lifestyle needs and your vision performance within your scope of activities. When you feel you are impaired in these activities, the benefits will outweigh the risks, and it’s time to take them out. You should not feel any pressure to urgency in this process.

Once you have determined you are ready to have cataract surgery, your surgeon will discuss with you your options for intraocular lens implantation including astigmatism neutralizing lenses, standard distance or near-vision lenses, multiple focal distance lenses, accommodating lenses, and others. The current standard approach for cataract surgery is called “phacoemulsification” and uses ultrasound technology to remove the cataract. There are also laser devices that assist in making the incisions and breaking up the lens, which many surgeons now employ in addition to the phacoemulsification. In general cataract surgery only takes a few minutes, is performed with topical anesthesia, is pain-free, and has a very short recovery time. No pirate-patches are used these days! Most patients are very happy with the results, but this requires adequate discussion with the surgeon prior to the procedure to best assess the needs of the individual patient. A well- informed patient who participates in their care results in the best outcomes!


Sameh Mosaed, MD best time for cataract surgerySameh Mosaed, MD
Director of Glaucoma Services, Gavin Herbert Eye Institute, UC Irvine
Associate Professor, Cataract and Glaucoma Surgery, UC Irvine School of Medicine

Cataract Prevention

The more you know about cataracts, the easier it is to focus on cataract prevention.

What is a cataract?

At birth, with rare exceptions, most of us arrive in the world with a clear crystalline lens within each eye. The pathway of our visual images start with light passing through the cornea (the clear front window of the eye), through the pupil (the opening in the center of the iris, or colored portion of the eye) and through crystalline lens which functions to focus light onto the center of the retina (the film of the eye). cataract preventionThe retina, via the optic nerve, will then transmit visual images to the brain. When the crystalline lens becomes opacified (cloudy), this system becomes disrupted, and vision becomes impaired. Opacification of the crystalline lens is called “cataract”, and there are many variations in appearance and type and many causes and can present at any age. The word cataract originates from the Greek word “cataracta”, which means waterfall. The ancient Greeks used this term as they noticed a similarity in the appearance of the white opaque rushing water of a waterfall and the appearance of a white mature cataract.

To understand the different types of cataracts and causes, it is important to understand the anatomy of the lens. Using a metaphor, the lens anatomy can be compared to a Peanut M&M candy™. There is an outer candy coating (the lens capsule), a chocolate layer inside (the lens cortex), and a peanut in the center (the lens nucleus).

The most common cause of a cataract is an age related nuclear clouding which is due to long term accumulation of metabolic and oxidative waste products within the lens and possibly UV-B/Sunlight light exposure. Cortical clouding (within the cortex of the lens), due to similar causes, is also a common cause of an age related cataract.

Cataracts can occur earlier in life with poorly controlled diabetes resulting in cortical and nuclear cataract. Patients who are exposed to steroid medications in any form (orally, topically as eye drops, skin creams etc.) are at an increased risk to develop a posterior subcapsular (PSC) cataract which occurs on the posterior lens capsule. PSC cataracts can have a much more abrupt and earlier onset in life than nuclear or cortical cataract. Smoking has also been known to predispose patients to formation of a PSC cataract. Other less common varieties of cataract can occur with any trauma to the eye or even present at birth as a congenital cataract with a large variety of causes.

What can be done to prevent cataracts?

I often joke with patients that a cataract is such a common occurrence that just like birth, death, and taxes, it is an issue we must all face at some juncture in life (hopefully later than earlier). I am often asked if there are any dietary measures or vitamin supplementation to reduce the formation of a cataract, however this is not as well studied as the use of vitamins in the prevention of macular degeneration. Several scientific epidemiological studies following populations over many decades have shown some merit however that using multivitamins regularly (Vitamin B6 and B12, Vitamin C, beta carotene, antioxidants and possibly lutein and zeaxathin) can reduce the degree of lens opacification over time. As with all medications, you should consult with your physician before deciding to use any vitamin supplementation to clarify if you have any contraindication to using them.

There is conflicting evidence regarding the role of UV-B exposure in sunlight as a causative agent for cataracts. There is some support that using sunglasses on a regular basis to block UV-B light may help to reduce cortical cataract formation. Smoking cessation can also help to reduce the formation of cataract. If a patient is diabetic, strict blood sugar control is also an important measure to reduce the formation of a cataract. If possible, reducing or avoiding the use of steroid medication can reduce the formation of a PSC cataract.

What can be done if a cataract is worsenening and glasses cannot help improve vision significantly?

If you are experiencing gradual painless loss of vision, you should consult with your ophthalmologist as cataract can be a common cause. If you are found to have cataract formation, there is generally a shift in the glasses prescription in the early stage. Having your glasses prescription checked to see if your vision can be improved with glasses is the first step in determining how significant your cataract has become. If glasses are not able to sufficiently improve your vision and your daily activities are affected by the decrease in vision your experience, you may be a candidate to have cataract surgery.

Modern cataract surgery has improved a tremendous degree compared to decades earlier. It is the most common and successful surgery in the world, and is typically performed on an outpatient basis with topical anesthetic and often without any sutures or eye patch. Prior to surgery the pupil is dilated, and once in the operating room, a small self-sealing incision is made on the side of the cornea. The surgeon then makes a circular opening in the anterior lens capsule (the candy coating of the peanut M&M), and uses an ultrasound instrument to emulsify and vacuum out the nucleus (the central peanut), and remove the cortex (the chocolate layer). The inside of the lens capsule is polished and an intraocular lens is folded and introduced into the eye through the corneal incision and seated into the remaining lens capsule to conclude the surgery.

Prior to surgery, measurements are taken to determine the power of lens necessary to achieve the best vision after surgery based on the curvature of the cornea and anterior-posterior length of the eye. Intraocular lenses (IOLs) can potentially have several features depending on a patient’s needs. The most common IOL used is a monofocal lens, which does not typically require an additional out of pocket expense. This lens is chosen to have a point of focus either for distance vision (driving, TV) or near vision (reading), but not both. Typically patients who have the monofocal lens will choose to have distance focus and use reading glasses for near vision. There are multifocal/accommodating IOLs available for patients who are appropriate candidates, to allow the patient a larger range of vision at far, near and intermediate (computer) distance and may allow great independence from glasses. There are still other IOLs which can correct astigmatism (a special type of glasses prescription) at the time of cataract surgery. After discussion of the patient’s needs and preferences, the surgeon can best advise their patient regarding which type of IOL may best suit them.


Anand Bhatt, MD - cataract preventionAnand B. Bhatt, MD
Assistant Professor of Glaucoma and Cataract Surgery, Gavin Herbert Eye Institute
UC Irvine School of Medicine