At this writing, the death toll from CoronaVirus (COVID-19) has just surpassed 60,000 with over 1 million cases reported in the US. It is almost impossible to comprehend the scope of this horrific pandemic, and the price that is being paid by healthcare professionals along with so many families who are unable to say goodbye to their loved ones who have often been forced to die alone.

At the same time, it was striking to learn that the four month death toll from the virus has just eclipsed the number of lives lost in the entire Vietnam War. We have heard the pandemic described as a war fought against a hidden enemy. While healthcare professionals confront the enemy in overcrowded hospitals across our country, there are others working just as hard in search of solutions that will allow us to return to our treasured normal way of life.

Researchers are quiet heroes laboring in laboratories in virtual anonymity, but with the same urgency as the healthcare professionals serving on the front lines of the battlefield. Whether it is in search of a vaccine or of a drug that may increase the possibility of overcoming the virus, the Discovery Eye Foundation is presently funding some of the critical efforts. As in past wars, all of us must do our part in the effort to defeat an enemy that continues its death march across the entire American landscape. No city or town, state or county, is immune from the icy hand of this most Grim Reaper.

I was attending college at the height of the Vietnam War, and I remember watching the evening news as the death toll continued to mount. Somehow, I found myself numb and somewhat insulated even as the numbers of casualties kept rising. It all changed when two of my friends from high school were lost during the 1968 Tet Offensive. Death became oh-so-real. We cannot allow the constant media exposure to dampen our awareness and our commitment to finding a cure and achieving complete victory in this all-out war.

When you contribute to Discovery Eye Foundations COVID-19 Emergency Fund, your funds go directly into the hands of the researchers. Even more important, their work will begin immediately. Your generosity has allowed us to be difference makers in the preservation of vision. Please join us as we enter the fight and turn our attention to finding answers to this most lethal and present danger.

To help the Discovery Eye Foundation join the fight against COVID-19, donate today!


Tom Sullivan
DEF’s Ambassador of Vision






The world is being held hostage by coronavirus (COVID-19). The number of cases and deaths are climbing everyday. Scientists and pharmaceutical companies are working feverishly to create a vaccine, but it is at least a year away. There is also hope that existing FDA-approved drugs, such as hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, may be able to ameliorate the disease and prevent deaths.  These need to be tested now—see below.

During this emergency, DEF Research Director Dr. Cristina Kenney’s laboratory is applying the knowledge gained from her work on age-related macular degeneration to join the search for drug(s) that may be an immediate bridge to treat COVID-19.

Much of Kenney’s research focuses on mitochondria, which play a vital role in disease and death from infections such as COVID-19. Mitochondria may help explain the severity of disease and response to treatment in different ethnic populations and age groups.

Kenney will focus on two crucial COVID-19 studies using her unique laboratory systems:

  1. Determine which promising experimental treatments for COVID-19 patients are most likely to benefit which patients.
  2. Determine the role of mitochondria in susceptibility to severe COVID-19 disease and death in different ethnic/racial populations and age groups.

UPDATE: DEF Researchers Making Progress in the Fight to Defeat COVID-19

Join us and others in supporting this work. At this critical juncture, any financial help you are able to provide to our vital research efforts to stop the scourge of coronavirus is greatly needed and deeply appreciated. 

Click here to  DONATE BY MAIL

Click to DONATE ONLINE:DonateNow

For more information on COVID-19 go to www.coronavirus.gov


Are you eating the foods that are best for your eyes? Eating a diet low in fat and rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help not only your heart but also your eyes. This isn’t surprising: Your eyes rely on tiny arteries for oxygen and nutrients, just as the heart relies on much larger arteries. Keeping those arteries healthy will help your eyes.

Do your eyes have all the nutrients they need to help prevent cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma and other sight issues?

Read on to learn which foods boost your eye health and help protect against sight-threatening diseases.



Many fish are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Oily fish are fish that have oil in their gut and body tissue, so eating them offers higher levels of omega-3-rich fish oil. The fish that contains the most beneficial levels of omega-3s include:

        • Tuna
        • Salmon
        • Trout
        • Mackerel
        • Sardines
        • Herring
        • Anchovies



Some studies have found that fish oil can reverse dry eye, including dry eye caused by spending too much time on a computer.

Nuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Nuts also contain a high level of vitamin E, which can protect the eye from age-related damage.

Nuts and legumes that are good for eye health include:

        • Walnuts
        • Brazil nuts
        • Cashews
        • Peanuts
        • Lentils



Like nuts and legumes, seeds are high in omega-3s and are a rich source of vitamin E.

Seeds high in omega-3 include:

      • Chia seeds
      • Flax seeds
      • Hemp seeds




Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C.  Just like vitamin E, vitamin C is an antioxidant that is recommended to fight age-related eye damage.

Vitamin C-rich citrus fruits include:

        • Lemons
        • Oranges
        • Grapefruits



Leafy green vegetables are rich in both lutein and zeaxanthin, can reduce the risk of age-related sight loss and are also a good source of eye-friendly vitamin C.

Well-known leafy greens include:

        • Spinach
        • Kale
        • Collards



Carrots are rich in both Vitamin A and beta carotene. Beta carotene gives carrots their orange color.

Vitamin A plays an essential role in vision. It is a component of a protein called rhodopsin, which helps the retina to absorb light.

Research on beta carotene’s role in vision is mixed, though the body needs this nutrient to make vitamin A.



Like carrots, sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene. They are also a good source of the antioxidant vitamin E.






Beef is rich in zinc, which has been linked to better long-term eye health. Zinc can help delay age-related sight loss and macular degeneration.

The eye itself contains high levels of zinc, particularly in the retina, and the vascular tissue surrounding the retina.

Meats such as chicken breast and pork loin also contain        zinc, but at lower levels than beef.



Eggs are an excellent source of lutein and zeaxanthin, which can reduce the risk of age-related sight loss. Eggs are also good sources of vitamins C and E, and zinc.






It may come as no surprise that a fluid essential to life is also vital to eye health.

Drinking plenty of water can prevent dehydration, which may reduce the symptoms of dry eyes.




A healthy diet is essential for eye health. Maintaining a diet high in antioxidants can prevent the development of serious eye conditions and ensure your eyes work their best.

Try to eat a variety of whole, unprocessed foods on a daily basis. See your doctor if you experience problems with your eyes, as early intervention can prevent more serious conditions from developing.

Click here for eye healthy recipes – EYE COOK
Here you will find recipes that are rich with vitamins and nutrients for better vision and health! 


The inner workings of the human eye are complex, but at the same time, fascinating. Have you wondered how exactly they do work or what are the major parts of the eyeball involved in creating vision? Let’s find out.

These tiny cameras spend every day processing millions of pieces of information at lightning fast speeds, and turn them into the simple images we see almost instantly.

In reality, this process is anything but simple. The eye has several distinct parts, each of which has specific responsibilities that work together like a machine.

The eyeball is just like a camera. In fact, human eyes are part of a classification known as “camera-type eyes.” And just like a camera, it can’t function without the presence of light.  As light hits the eyes, it’s focused by the eye in a way similar to a camera lens. This process allows the images we see to appear clear and sharp rather than blurry.

There are specific parts of the eye that make this focusing process possible. Each beam of light that hits the eye goes through a series of steps:

Step 1: Light passes through a thin layer of moisture

Step 2: Light hits the cornea.  The cornea is transparent, and is the first layer to begin focusing light within the eye. The cornea is connected to the sclera, which is a tough fiber on the outside of the eye that acts as protection.

Step 3: Behind the cornea is another liquid layer known as the aqueous humor, and its job is to maintain pressure levels in the front of the eye as light is passing through.

Step 4: Once light has passed through the aqueous humor, it has finally reached the pupil. The pupil is the round entryway of the colored iris.

Step 5: Once the pupil determines how much light it will let inside your eye, the job passes to the lens. The lens factors in the amount of light the pupil lets in, and figures out how far away you are from the object that the light is reflecting off of, or the object you’re trying to see. From there, the lens focuses your image into an accurate view of what you’re looking at. Part of this process is controlled by muscles in the lens called ciliary muscles, which expand and contract to pull on the lens and allow it to focus properly.

Step 6: As light reaches the center of the eye passes through another layer of moisture, called the vitreous, or vitreous humor. Then, it reaches the final stop in the process: The Retina.

The retina is the back of the eye. If the lens in your eye is most like a camera, the retina is most like its film – this is where the final product is projected. The retina has several parts:

  • Macula: The center of the retina. The center point of the macula is called the fovea, and it has the most photoreceptors and nerve endings of any part of the eye.
  • Photoreceptors: Split into two designations – rods and cones.
    • Cones are in the macula. When there is bright light, cones provide clear, sharp central vision and detect colors and fine details.
    • Rods are located outside the macula and extend all the way to the outer edge of the retina. They provide peripheral or side vision. Rods also allow the eyes to detect motion and help us see in dim light and at night.

  • Retinal pigment epithelium: Abbreviated RPE, this is a tissue layer below the rods and cones which absorbs any extra, unneeded light.
  • Choroid: The choroid is behind the retina, and is in charge of making sure the retina and RPE have enough nutrition flowing from small blood vessels.

Once the photoreceptors have converted light into an electronic signal, they send a signal to the brain’s visual command center and you have vision. It’s amazing what even small parts of our bodies can do.


How the Eye Works

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month

National Glaucoma Awareness Month reminds all of us to get regular eye exams and show support for those suffering from this conditionGlaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision loss and blindness.  Glaucoma is often called “the sneak thief of sight” because glaucoma has few symptoms or warning signs in its early stages. It can be diagnosed only by a full eye exam by an eye care practitioner.

Glaucoma is a disease where pressure builds up and damages the eye’s optic nerve. Types of this disease include the common Primary Open Angle Glaucoma, which causes peripheral eyesight to slowly diminish and is age-related. Angle Closure Glaucoma, where the fluid drainage system is narrow and closed so that the aqueous fluid remains in the front chamber of the eye and intraocular pressure rises; and Low Tension Glaucoma, where the optic nerve becomes damaged in spite of the intraocular pressures being within the normal range. There’s currently no way to restore vision lost from glaucoma because once the nerve cells become damaged, they do not regenerate.


A few important facts you should know about Glaucoma in adults:

  • More patients than ever are affected – Over 3 million people in the U.S. have glaucoma, and the number is rising.
  • Glaucoma can affect people of all ages – The most common form of glaucoma, Primary Open Angle Glaucoma, becomes more prevalent with increasing age. However, glaucoma can strike anyone, even infants and children but it is rare.
  • Demographics do play a role – Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness among African Americans; it’s also highly prevalent in Hispanics over the age 65.
  • Is glaucoma hereditary? The risk of developing Primary Open–Angle Glaucoma is up to nine times more likely if parents or siblings have the disease.
  • Hope for future glaucoma patients – Although there is no cure for any form of glaucoma, early diagnosis and treatment help control the disease and slow the process of vision loss or blindness.

Newer Glaucoma Treatments 

Glaucoma treatment usually begins with the use of topical (eye drop) medications which lower the intraocular pressure. Within the past two years, two new topical medications have been approved for the treatment of glaucoma: VYZULTA® and Rhopressa®. VYZULTA® is a modification of a class of medications currently used to treat glaucoma – the prostaglandin analogs. This drug helps lower intraocular pressure by increasing the drainage of fluid (aqueous humor) from the eye.

Rhopressa® is part of a new class of drugs used to treat glaucoma called Rho kinase inhibitors. Rhopressa®, like VYZULTA®, also lowers intraocular pressure by increasing aqueous outflow. Both Rhopressa® and VYZULTA® are dosed once daily and pose few, if any, systemic safety concerns.


Using a laser to make a small opening in the iris to help with fluid drainage usually cures Angle-Closure Glaucoma.  This procedure is called a laser peripheral iridotomy.

For Primary Open Angel Glaucoma, when eye drops are not enough to reduce the pressure then a procedure called Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) can be used. The SLT reduces intraocular pressure by stimulating increased outflow of fluid from the eye. SLT offers an improved safety profile compared to older glaucoma laser therapies and may lower eye pressure by as much as 20 to 30 percent. It is typically used as the next step in patients whose glaucoma is uncontrolled on medical therapy. Because of its excellent benefit-to-risk profile, however, SLT can sometimes be used in place of medications, especially in patients who have difficulty with their eye drops.


When other treatments fail, there are many surgical therapies to lower the eye pressure. These surgical approaches, which are riskier than medical therapy or lasers, are usually employed when non-surgical means do not work well enough to stop vision loss.


The goal of Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) is to reduce intraocular pressure by enhancing the eye’s own internal aqueous humor drainage system. Some MIGS can be performed as stand-alone procedures, while others are typically done along with cataract surgery in patients with visually significant cataracts and mild to moderate glaucoma.

There are now a variety of recently FDA approved MIGS available for use in this country. MIGS typically are performed through a small incision in the eye with minimal tissue trauma and offer a favorable safety profile as well as more rapid visual recovery than traditional glaucoma surgery. There are many well qualified glaucoma specialists that perform the MIGS procedure.


Glaucoma Treatment Overview


National Glaucoma Awareness Month reminds all of us to get regular eye exams. Don’t let glaucoma steal your sight!  The best way to protect your sight is to get an annual comprehensive eye examination.

Thanks to funding from private philanthropists, DEF’s research continues to make great strides toward cures and treatment for glaucoma.  If you would like to support DEF’s sight saving research please donate today!


A Vision of Christmas

A special holiday message from our beloved blind Ambassador of VisionTom Sullivan

My wife Patty loves every aspect of the Christmas season, and she begins celebrating the yule tide even before Thanksgiving.  The transforming of our house with traditional decorations brings her a marvelous sense of family and holiday season.  She loves to look at every ornament remembering how we acquired it.  As the lights turn on outside our house, she is busy making sure that every bulb on our tree is placed just so to give the room a warmth that in every way reflects her commitment to the true spirit of the season.

While I am listening to football upstairs, she’s singing along with Celine Dion as she completes the visual picture that for Patty confirms that there really are important traditions that make our home a place of love, beauty, and peace.  For the record, let me say that I really do enjoy Christmas even though I offer half-hearted complaints that Patty plays carols starting even before Turkey Day.  The truth is…I love them just as much as she does.

For over thirty years we went to Colorado every Christmas to ski, and those experiences were wonderful to just be in the mountains and feel the cold nipping at your nose as you fly down a ski slope.  We often would take a sleigh ride on Christmas Eve with hot chocolate spiced with peppermint schnapps.  Listening to a children’s choir and being with people we love always seems to make things a little more right with the world.  So I really do love Christmas, but when I consider Patty’s ebullient joy in the visuals of the holiday, I admit it makes me just a little sad to know that I’ll never be able to see them.

I realize that people go to extraordinary lengths in their decorating zeal and that certainly some of their elaborate choices that brighten the neighborhood could be considered over the top, but when Patty’s carols are playing and she’s enjoying the happiness of singing along with the decorations just so, I know that what she’s reflecting is her true commitment to her faith and the celebration of the season that she treasures. 

So open your hearts and your eyes and take in the true experience of the Christmas spirit.  It’s my hope that you’ll consider supporting Discovery Eye Foundation’s commitment to preserving vision allowing more people every year to enjoy not just the smell of a Christmas tree, or the taste of a Christmas toast, the touch of a hug from a loved one on Christmas morning, or the beautiful sounds of Silent Night sung by the voice of a child.

From all of us at Discovery Eye, we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Tom Sullivan
DEF’s Ambassador of Vision


Common Eye Problems in Winter

Winter time is here!! And as most people would expect, the holidays are a very popular time of the year. But the winter also comes with extreme temperatures, humidity and precipitation, so don’t let it affect your vision!

Be on the lookout for these common eye conditions this winter and hopefully, you will comfortably enjoy the season without any problems.



Cold outdoor air and heated indoor air often have less moisture than other seasonal environments. In the winter, you may experience dry skin, chapped lips, and dry eyes due to this low humidity. Cold winter winds may also dry your eyes out. To learn more about dry eyes, visit the linked website at Dry Eyes.

To minimize the drying ability of winter air, keep yourself hydrated. Use non-preserved artificial tears several times a day. Running an humidifier in your home to improve the quality of your indoor air will help as well.



While some people experience a lack of tears in the winter, others have the opposite problem. Excess tearing and runny eyes can occur due to cold air, biting winds, or seasonal allergies. Pay attention to when your eyes tear up to determine the cause. If your eyes start to water when you step outside or when the wind blows your way, wear sunglasses or goggles to protect your eyes. Although it seems strange using additional artificial tears for teary eyes, nonetheless they can lessen this reflex tearing.

If you experience excess tearing and itching while indoors, try an allergy medication and appropriate eye drops to reduce the effect of seasonal allergies. If you cannot determine the cause of your watery eyes or if over-the-counter treatments have no effect, especially if the wateriness alters your vision, see an eye doctor.



Winter skies can seem dark and gloomy, but snowfall and ice create many reflective surfaces that can dramatically increase the amount of light that reaches your eyes. If you have sensitive eyes, you may experience even more blinking, discomfort, tearing and other symptoms in bright winter light.

Some individuals develop new light sensitivity during winter due to a condition known as “snow blindness”.  Always protect your eyes with UV filtering glasses or ski goggles when going outdoors for long periods of time, including when walking, shoveling snow, or other winter activities.



Harsh winter conditions can cause redness, tenderness, and inflammation in the eye area. You may have swollen eyelids or redness over the normally-white part of the eye (the conjunctiva which covers the white sclera).

This redness could result from dry eye or seasonal allergies. Use non-preserved artificial tears every 2-3 hours.  To reduce the discomfort of inflamed eyes, apply a cool compress, such as a damp washcloth and take an over-the-counter oral pain medication.  If your symptoms persist, see an eye doctor to determine the cause of the irritation.



While many winter eye health problems result from increased light or decreased moisture, you can also experience eye conditions caused by cold temperatures.

If you notice vision changes while out in the cold, move to a warm area as soon as possible. Use non-preserved artificial tears every 2-3 hours to to keep your eyes moist. If your normal vision doesn’t return after 30 minutes or so, seek medical attention.


If you experience any of the seasonal problems listed above for a prolonged period, consult your eye doctor.

Thanks – Giving

It’s Holiday season and I’m reminded that between Thanksgiving and Christmas I very much prefer America’s turkey day.  Somewhere over the course of my life I began to think of Thanksgiving in two distinct parts – Thanks and Giving.  There is so much I am grateful for – family, friends, good health, and most of all a sense of real purpose.  I treasure my role as an Ambassador of Vision for the Discovery Eye Foundation.  Our work supporting research that preserves and enhances vision is most rewarding in every way, and the stories of patients who maintain their sight because of breakthroughs provided by our Foundation and its on-going research is incredibly rewarding for all of us who work tirelessly to make a difference.  On this special holiday I’m sure that every person who has benefitted from our dedication is saying “Thank You” as they enjoy a day surrounded by family and friends. 

The link between the two words “Thanks” and “Giving” is obvious.  When you say “thank you” the desire to give seems to go hand and hand.   We are so grateful to everyone who has supported the important work of Discovery Eye through your generous donations over all these years.  At this Holiday season, please know that we will continue to search for answers that will guarantee many more people with the gift of vision.  We are thankful for your support and grateful that you choose to give us the opportunity to make a difference.

Happy Holidays from everyone in the Discovery Eye Family.


Tom Sullivan
DEF’s Ambassador of Vision


Your EYES will be thankful for Thanksgiving Dinner!

Thanksgiving is almost here; a meal that nourishes the family bonds and traditions.  It’s the one time of the year where you can guarantee your eyes will be bigger than your stomach. This meal also has another added bonus — almost every item on the Thanksgiving table is healthy for your eyesight!

Here are several of the most popular Thanksgiving dishes and their corresponding benefits to your eye health:


Turkey –

No Thanksgiving is complete without a turkey, roasted golden brown and stuffed with fresh vegetables and herbs. Turkey is loaded with zinc and B-vitamin niacin, which helps prevent the formation of cataracts. Cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss in the United States, so gobble up!  You are “preventing” cataracts with every bite.


Spinach, Green Bean Casserole, Asparagus and Brussel Sprouts –

These foods and other leafy greens are loaded with lutein and zeaxanthin, two nutrients that protect the retina, which may also help reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degenerationHealthy Green Bean Casserole Recipe


Sweet Potatoes –

Sweet potatoes are full of Beta-carotene, which is a carotenoid and antioxidant that promotes night vision and overall good eyesight. Sweet potatoes are also loaded with vitamins C and E. Diets that are rich in these vitamins can help prevent or delay the development of cataracts and macular degeneration. Mashed Sweet Potatoes Recipe


Cranberry Sauce –

Cranberries contain bioflavonoids, a large class of antioxidants. Bioflavonoids are found in the pulp, skin and rinds of foods that contain vitamin C. Both flavonoids and vitamin C help protect the eyes from free radical damage caused by pollution and the body’s normal metabolic processes.


Pumpkin Pie –

Pumpkin is one of the best sources of vitamin A, so pumpkin pie is an eye-healthy dessert. In fact, one cup of cooked, mashed pumpkin contains more than 200 percent of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin A. Vitamin A provides nourishment and protection to the eye’s lens, cornea and macula (part of the retina), so it improves night vision. 


A diet that’s full of the right nutrients is a great start to keeping your eyes healthy, but don’t forget that regular eye exams are equally important! We hope you enjoy a happy and delicious Thanksgiving with family and friends.

*For more eye healthy recipes click here EYE COOK


As autumn takes on the majestic beauty of its fall colors, school children remind us of the explorer Columbus on his October holiday.  We remember how much courage it must have taken for men to set sail from Spain and cross the Atlantic in search for new lands and treasure.  As the days became months, the sailors on the three small ships began to believe that they were about to fall off the face of the earth convinced that the world was flat and that monsters were waiting on the other side of the horizon.

In many ways the search for breakthroughs in vision have been just as frightening and just as surprising.  It wasn’t that long ago when cataract surgery required patients to be hospitalized for days at a time lying perfectly still while their new lenses gradually settled.  When I was a baby suffering from glaucoma, there were no drugs available to ease the crippling headaches I’ll never forget.  Diabetic retinopathy and wet macular degeneration had no possibility for control until gifted researchers began to apply stem cells, gene therapy, and nutraceuticals.  Much like the exploration of Columbus, most forms of blindness are moving toward remarkable and dynamic breakthroughs.

Research supported by Discovery Eye Foundation is now on the cutting edge of unlimited possibilities that someday may dynamically improve the vision and the lives of patients and their families.  Our work can only continue with your support.  Please join us as we explore and discover new worlds of vision and hope.


Tom Sullivan
DEF’s Ambassador of Vision
