AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month

Low vision affects millions of Americans — including many older adults. People with low vision aren’t blind, but because of their vision loss, they may not be able to do everyday tasks like driving or reading even with glasses.

What is Low Vision?

When your eyesight is impaired to the degree that you struggle with daily tasks like reading or cooking – or that you have difficulty recognizing faces, you may have a medical condition referred to as low vision. Someone with low vision can’t simply put on a pair of glasses or contacts and see well; this condition is beyond the typical loss of vision that occurs with aging.

Individuals experiencing low vision can struggle with maintaining independence; hobbies, reading and even socializing may become challenging as vision loss progresses. Because of the impact low vision can have on your life, it is important to have your eyes checked by a low vision specialist if you have any concerns. Since it is unusual to be able to restore vision once it is lost, screenings can help preserve the vision you have and help you access adaptive lenses and devices if you need them. While there is not a cure for low vision,  a low vision specialist can help you adapt and if needed, create a vision rehabilitation program designed to meet your specific needs.

If you are experiencing trouble seeing even with prescription eye glasses, ask your optometrist or ophthalmologist for a low vision evaluation. If your practitioner does not perform this evaluation, request a referral to a low vision specialist in a private practice, at a Braille Institute or a University Eye Care Institute. 

Low vision is often caused by one of these conditions despite adequate treatment:

  • Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) –AMD is a progressive eye condition affecting as many as 15 million Americans. The disease attacks the macula of the eye, where our sharpest central vision occurs, affecting reading, driving, identifying faces, watching television, safely navigating stairs and performing other daily tasks. Although it rarely results in complete blindness, it robs the individual of all but the outermost, peripheral vision, leaving only dim images or black holes at the center of vision. Read more

  • Diabetes Diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetic eye disease and a leading cause of blindness in American adults caused by changes in the blood vessels of the retina.

In some people with diabetic retinopathy, blood vessels may swell and leak fluid or blood inside the eye. In other people, abnormal new blood vessels grow on the surface of the retina. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. A healthy retina is necessary for good vision.  Read More 

  • Glaucoma Glaucoma is a disease that causes damage to the major nerve of the eye called the optic nerve, a part of the central nervous system that carries visual information from the eye to the brain

The eye experiences a gradual increase of intraocular pressure (IOP) due to an imbalance of the fluid produced in the eye and the amount of fluid drained. Over time, elevated IOP can cause vision loss. The most common form of glaucoma is primary open angle glaucoma which affects about 3 million Americans. However, there are other types including narrow angle, congenital, normal tension, and secondary glaucoma. Read more

Reducing your risk for Low Vision

Practicing healthy daily lifestyle habits can reduce your risk for low vision. A healthy diet, not smoking and maintaining healthy blood pressure are important first steps. Other healthy habits that can lower the risk include:

  • Eat a diet with plenty of green, leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, and collard greens, and fresh fruit.
  • Fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids is good for eye health. Try to include it in your diet at least once or twice a week. Types of fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, and albacore tuna.
  • It’s important to keep your body healthy. Maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The healthier your body, the more it can foster good eye health. Visit our website for eye healthy recipes Eye Cook.
  • Protect your eyes. Wear sunglasses and a hat with a visor in bright sunlight to protect your eyes from potentially harmful ultra-violet (UV) light and blue light.

Low Vision Reading Apps on Your Smartphone

Reading often is one of the most difficult challenges for visually impaired people. Many people with low vision give up reading altogether, because what used to be an enjoyable, effortless activity now requires thought, preparation and a lot of adjustment. In short, reading is just no fun anymore. 

The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) has listed some of the top apps, devices and resources for people with low vision, below are a few listed for reading app, for more apps visit American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Regular eye exams are essential for all adults; it is recommended that adults over the age of 60 have eye exams each year. If your vision can not be improved to the point that you are able to see the things you need to see or read, your eye care professional can refer you to a low vision specialist. This specialist differs from a conventional optometrist and is trained to evaluate your low vision problem and offer solutions to help you retain or regain independence and the ability to do things you enjoy again.

For more information on AMD and other visual impairments – EYE CONDITIONS


More Low Vision resources

Save Your Vision Month –

Save Your Vision Month is here.

We at DEF remind you to prioritize your eyes in 2024

In honor of Save Your Vision Month, here are some everyday things you can control to help “Save Your Vision”.

  • Enjoy a cup of tea –Green tea contains antioxidants, like vitamins C and E, lutein, and zeaxanthin that help protect against AMD and cataracts. It is it hydrating, helping you produce tears.
  • Take time to blink – On an average you blink about 15 – 20 times a minute. However, that rate drops by half when viewing text on a screen. Try using the 20/20/20 rule when staring at a screen: Every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds so you can blink naturally and give your eyes time to relax.
  • Wear sunglasses and a hat – Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can deteriorate vision over time and can lead to cataracts and possibly age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The American Optometric Association recommends sunglasses that block at least 99 percent of UVA and UVB radiation and that screen out 75 – 90% of visible light. And if you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors, it’s a good idea to get sunglasses with lenses that are polarized, which means that they’ve been treated to reduce glare. We suggest wearing a large brimmed hat to further protect your eyes.
  • Increase the seafood in your diet – Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to bolster heart and brain health, as well as decrease your risk of eye disease. Studies show consuming omega-3 fatty acids, whether in foods you eat or in a supplement. It may help reduce your risk of developing macular degeneration. Research also shows not only can omega-3 fatty acids help reduce your risk of developing dry eyes, but it may also help treat bothersome symptoms as well.
  • Eat a rainbow – Eating a full rainbow of fruits and vegetables regularly helps give your body the nutrients it needs. In addition to fiber, vitamins and minerals, naturally colored foods contain what are known as phytochemicals, which are disease-fighting substances that also give fruits and vegetable their array of colors. Star nutrients are lutein and zeaxanthin—pigments found in such foods as dark, leafy greens, broccoli, zucchini, peas, and Brussels sprouts.  Also important are antioxidants found in red foods such as strawberries, cherries, red peppers and raspberries, orange foods have beta-carotene and include carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and yams.
  • Use digital screens at a safe distance – The brightness and glare from computers, tablets, smartphones and televisions can lead to eyestrain after prolonged use. Recent studies have also shown ill-effects from the UV rays from these devices. Symptoms can include headaches, blurred vision, dry or red eyes and difficulty refocusing. Experts recommend keeping the computer screen at least an arm’s length away and that you hold a handheld device at least 16 inches from your eyes.
  • Contact lens solutions serve a purpose –The most harmful but common problem is moistening contacts with saliva instead of saline solution. Proper contact lens care is important for keeping and free from infection.
  • Make-up makeover – Replace tubes of mascara after three months, as it is a breeding ground for bacteria. Sharpen liner pencils regularly and while it is okay to line the base of your lashes, using the liner inside the lash line can block oil glands. Replace eye shadows yearly and don’t share your eye cosmetics.
  • Use protective goggles – According to studies nearly half of eye injuries happen at home. These injuries occur when protective eyewear is not used or when the incorrect protective eyewear is used and an exposure occurs from around or under the protective eye equipment.  Sports activities are another cause of eye injuries, from contact sports to sports that use balls that could catch you unaware.  When snowboarding or skiing remember to protect your eyes from the sun and wind with tinted goggles that have UV protection.
  • Have a yearly eye exam – Even if you don’t wear corrective lenses, adults should get a comprehensive eye exam (which includes dilating your pupils with drops) by age 40. After that a yearly eye exam is recommended to keep your eyes healthy and catch any changes in your eyes that may be indicators of eye disease. If you have a family history of glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration, or you have diabetes, you are at a higher risk for vision-related issues and your doctor may elect to see you more often. If you have symptoms such as persistent pain inside or behind your eyes, redness, or gradual loss of vision, make an appointment with your doctor immediately.

September is Healthy Aging Month

Healthy Aging Month is an annual health observance designed to focus national attention on the positive aspects of growing older.  Aging is a process that brings many changes. Vision loss and blindness, however, do not have to be one of them. There are several simple steps you can take to help keep your eyes healthy for the rest of your life.

Eye diseases often have no early symptoms, but can be detected during a comprehensive dilated eye exam.  A comprehensive dilated eye exam is different from the basic eye exam or screening you have for glasses or contacts. By dilating the pupils and examining the back of the eyes, your eye care professional can detect eye diseases in their early stages, before vision loss occurs. By performing a comprehensive eye exam, your eye care professional can check for early signs of –

Here are some other tips to maintain healthy vision now and as you age:

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables can help keep your eyes healthy. Visit our website for healthy eye recipes, click here Eye Cook.



  • Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight increases your risk for diabetes. By exercising regularly, you can help keep your body healthy and prevent vision loss. 



  • Don’t smoke. Smoking increases your risk for age-related macular degeneration, cataract, and other eye diseases and conditions that can damage the optic nerve.




  • Wear protective eyewear when outdoors. Protecting your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet rays when you are outdoors is vital for your eye health.  Wearing sunglasses that block 99 to 100 percent of both UV-A and UV-B radiation.


  • Know your family history.  Talk to your family members about their eye health history. It’s important to know if anyone has been diagnosed with a disease or condition since many are hereditary, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetes . This will help determine if you are at higher risk for developing an eye disease or condition.


  • Consider a multivitamin. Vitamins C, E and the mineral zinc have been shown to promote eye health.  Vitamins with Lutein and Zeaxanthin have been known to help patients with moderate to severe age-related macular degeneration.


  • Give your eyes a rest.  If you spend a lot of time at the computer or focusing at any one distance, you sometimes forget to blink, resulting in dryness and eye fatigue.  Every 20 minutes, look away about 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds. This can help reduce eyestrain. Consider using a lubricant eye drop during long periods of intense eye use and rest your eyes for 5 minutes.

You can’t stop time, but you can take care of your eyes so that they remain healthy as you age. Having a healthy vision can be possible at any age! Even if you are not experiencing vision problems, visiting an eye care professional regularly for a comprehensive dilated eye exam is the most important thing you can do to reduce your risk of vision loss as you age.

Download “Everyone’s vision can change with age”
A handout with explanation on how vision can change with age.

June is Cataract Awareness Month

National Cataract Awareness Month is celebrated in June. The awareness campaign promotes information about the eye condition that is the leading cause of treatable vision loss in the U.S.  Yes, this is a scary fact, but no need to be frightened because cataracts are treatable with an outpatient surgery, which has over a 97% success rate.*

Vision loss from cataract is caused by clouding on the lens of the eye. Cataract surgery removes the cloudy lens and replaces it with a crystal-clear artificial lens.  This common eye condition mostly affects people over 50 and the causes can range from simple aging, diabetes, long-term eye diseases, and eye injury/inflammation, to factors like hereditary influences, smoking, intake of certain oral steroids, and so forth.



Cataract Vision Simulator

Although there may be no early symptoms, patients may begin to notice:

  • cloudy or blurry vision
  • colors that look faded
  • difficulty seeing at night
  • a halo around lights, making night driving difficult
  • seeing double out of the affected eye
  • frequent changes of the prescription of eyeglasses or contact lenses


A healthy diet may help reduce risk of and/or delay formation and progression of cataracts. Research suggests that a diet high in vitamin C-rich foods — citrus (oranges, kiwi, lemon, grapefruit), bell peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower) — is helpful in slowing the progression of cataracts. More importantly, adopting good nutrition is a cornerstone of optimizing health early in life and can greatly reduce the risk of developing age-related diseases including cataracts.  For eye healthy recipes visit



By age 40, all adults should visit an eye specialist for a comprehensive eye exam to screen for early-stage cataracts and other eye diseases that are leading causes of low vision and even blindness. By age 65, a routine eye exam is recommended every year, in most cases to diagnose cataracts that are progressively clouding the lens. A comprehensive eye exam allows eye specialists to detect and monitor cataract progression as well as diagnosing other problems such as glaucoma. Patients should discuss with their eye specialist their vision problems and seek guidance about the timing of cataract surgery when worsening vision has compromised their quality of life and normal functioning.



Multiple factors are at play that increase our risk for developing a degenerative eye disease or vision compromising conditions as we age.  If an individual lives long enough, then cataract formation is unavoidable. Living a healthy lifestyle, however, greatly improves an adult’s odds of avoiding early onset, faster progression, or possibly even avoiding the need for cataract surgery in the future.



  • It’s a celebration of sight – The ability to see the world clearly and in all its glory is something we shouldn’t take for granted. Millions upon millions of cells perform complex operations in our eyes to allow us the gift of sight. We should take care of our eyes and appreciate our glorious vision for what it is.
  • It’s a celebration of science – Science has not only explained to us how intricately our eyes work, but it has also revealed to us the many ways we can repair and treat them in case things go south. Medical advancements have ensured that about 80% of all eye diseases are treatable or can be prevented.
  • It’s a celebration of modern surgery – There’s “always” light at the end of the tunnel. Today’s cataract surgery is a modern day miracle developed by dedicated surgeons over the last five decades.  For most of us it is a painless, outpatient surgery with rapid return of excellent vision.



For more information about cataract:


DEF Helps Bring Vision-Saving Treatment To Patients With Retinitis Pigmentosa

Director of the Stem Cell and Retinal Regeneration Program at the  Gavin Herbert Eye Institute (GHEI), Henry Klassen, MD, Ph.D., leads life-changing research that will affect and influence vision-saving treatments for years to come.

Watch below to hear from Dr. Klassen on his recent stem cell research:

February is AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Awareness Month is observed annually every February. It’s an awareness month targeted at spreading information about AMD and other sight threatening diseases that could lead to visual impairment.

AMD is a disease that is a leading cause of low vision in Americans older than 50 years of age. The macula is the part of the eye affected by this disease, a pigmented, oval-shaped part of the retina. About 5mm in diameter, it is responsible for the central vision required for driving, reading, and fine detail. AMD, is a progressive disease that causes retinal cells to slowly die, though it causes no physical pain.

Medical experts have been able to identify some risk factors that might lead to the onset of AMD, including high blood pressure, high levels of blood cholesterol, obesity, and smoking. Other risk factors that a person has no control over are age, heredity, race, and gender. Symptoms of the disease include blurry vision, blind spots, straight lines appearing wavy, doorways seeming crooked, and objects appearing farther away or smaller. When any of these symptoms present themselves, the concerned individual is advised to immediately visit an ophthalmologist.

Watch the video below to learn more about AMD presented by M. Cristina Kenney, MD, PhD


For more information on AMD and other visual impairments – EYE CONDITIONS

The Discovery Eye Foundation is committed to finding a treatment for Dry AMD which makes up 85% of AMD cases and for which there is no FDA approved treatment as yet. This could preserve the vision of millions of people.  Luckily, there are treatments for Wet AMD. Right now, research supported by DEF at the Gavin Herbert Eye Institute, University of California Irvine, Medical School is on the cutting edge of promising breakthroughs that could make the difference in the lives of so many. 

If you would like to help support DEF’s sight-saving research, click here DONATE NOW.  Your generosity may help save your vision or that of someone you love.

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month and the perfect time to raise awareness about this disease. Early on there are no symptoms.  In fact, many people with glaucoma don’t even know they have it. Learn about glaucoma and the steps you can take to reduce your risk of vision loss.

There are several types of glaucoma, although the most common type of glaucoma is age-related Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma.  It affects people starting at age 40, but can develop anytime later in life.

So, the way to detect if you have it is to get regular thorough eye examinations every two years after age 40.


Anyone can get glaucoma, but certain groups are at higher risk. These groups include African Americans and Hispanics over the age of 40, and all people over the age of 60. Since it is hereditary, people with a family history of glaucoma and people who have diabetes are at higher risk.


1. Glaucoma can affect people of all ages – Although it is generally associated with seniors, glaucoma can strike anyone.

2. Demographics do play a role – Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness among African Americans; it’s also highly prevalent in Hispanics over the age 65.

3. Is glaucoma hereditary? – The risk of developing primary open–angle glaucoma is up to nine times more likely if parents or siblings have the disease.

4. Hope for future glaucoma patients – Although there is no cure for glaucoma, early diagnosis and treatment can help control the disease and slow or stop the process of vision loss and blindness.

There are many steps you can take to help protect your eyes and lower your risk of vision loss from glaucoma. 

  • If you are in a high-risk group, get a comprehensive dilated eye exam every two years to catch glaucoma early and start treatment. Prescription eye drops, and if that fails, surgery can stop glaucoma from progressing.
  • Even if you are not in a high-risk group, getting a comprehensive dilated eye exams can help catch glaucoma and other eye diseases early.
  • Open-angle glaucoma does not have symptoms and is hereditary. So talk to your family members about their vision health to help protect your eyes and theirs.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight, controlling your blood pressure, being physically active and avoiding smoking will help you avoid vision loss from glaucoma.
  • Stay aware of the risks and symptoms and remember an annual comprehensive eye exam is key for early detection of glaucoma and other eye diseases.

Click here to get more information on Glaucoma.

Discovery Eye Foundation research is undertaking a new approach to save vision for glaucoma patients.

Read our 2022 Thanksgiving Newsletter to learn more.



A Thanksgiving Spread that Promotes Eye Health

Thanksgiving is almost here; a meal that nourishes the family bonds and traditions.  It’s the one time of the year where you can guarantee your eyes will be bigger than your stomach. This meal also has another added bonus — almost every item on the Thanksgiving table is healthy for your eyesight!

Here are several of the most popular Thanksgiving dishes and their corresponding benefits to your eye health:

Turkey –

No Thanksgiving is complete without a turkey, roasted golden brown and stuffed with fresh vegetables and herbs. Turkey is loaded with zinc and B-vitamin niacin, which helps prevent the formation of cataracts. Cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss in the United States, so gobble up!  You are “preventing” cataracts with every bite.


Spinach, Green Bean Casserole, Asparagus and Brussel Sprouts –

These foods and other leafy greens are loaded with lutein and zeaxanthin, two nutrients that protect the retina, which may also help reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degenerationHealthy Green Bean Casserole Recipe


Sweet Potatoes –

Sweet potatoes are full of Beta-carotene, which is a carotenoid and antioxidant that promotes night vision and overall good eyesight. Sweet potatoes are also loaded with vitamins C and E. Diets that are rich in these vitamins can help prevent or delay the development of cataracts and macular degeneration. Mashed Sweet Potatoes Recipe


Cranberry Sauce –

Cranberries contain bioflavonoids, a large class of antioxidants. Bioflavonoids are found in the pulp, skin and rinds of foods that contain vitamin C. Both flavonoids and vitamin C help protect the eyes from free radical damage caused by pollution and the body’s normal metabolic processes.


Pumpkin Pie –

Pumpkin is one of the best sources of vitamin A, so pumpkin pie is an eye-healthy dessert. In fact, one cup of cooked, mashed pumpkin contains more than 200 percent of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin A. Vitamin A provides nourishment and protection to the eye’s lens, cornea and macula (part of the retina), so it improves night vision. 


A diet that’s full of the right nutrients is a great start to keeping your eyes healthy, but don’t forget that regular eye exams are equally important! We hope you enjoy a happy and delicious Thanksgiving with family and friends.

*For more eye healthy recipes click here EYE COOK


View Video
It’s back-to-school time! As your child prepares to start another school year, don’t forget to take care of one of their most important learning tools — their eyes.  Find out how you can help keep their eyes healthy, and why an eye exam is so important.

Be aware of vision problems:

Your kid may be spending more time in front of the screen than usual — and that could put him or her at increased risk for certain vision problems or eye conditions.

  • Nearsightedness: If your child is not already nearsighted, doing a lot of “close work” (using a screen or even in a book) can increase their likelihood of developing this condition. Encourage them to hold books or screens at least 18 inches away.
  • Dry Eye Syndrome: When we stare at a screen all day, our blink rate decreases significantly. The blinking action secretes an oil called meibum (one of the three layers of tear film), which keeps our eyes moist. When we don’t blink as much, our eyes can become overly dry and irritated.
  • Eye Strain and Fatigue: Excessive screen time can also lead to strain, fatigue, blurry vision, itchy eyes, and headaches.

Watch for behavioral changes that may signal vision trouble, for example:

  • Talk to your child about their new classroom or where they’re sitting to gauge whether they’re having issues seeing.
  • Ask them whether their eyes ever feel tired after watching something on a screen.
  • Watch for blinking, squinting and tearing of their eyes.
  • Pay attention to headaches or fatigue.

Help minimize any risk to your child’s eyes by doing the following:

  • Make sure they take frequent screen breaks. Instead of focusing directly on the screen, encourage your child to look around the room every now and then, or take some time to stare out the window (at least 20 seconds is recommended by the American Optometric Association). You can even remind them to blink.
  • Position the monitor or screen so it’s about 25 inches away, and also position it so their gaze is slightly downward.
  • Adjust the room lighting so that the screen isn’t brighter than the surrounding light. If it is, your child’s eyes will have to work harder.
  • Sharpen your child’s vision skills with “traditional” non-screen-based activities, like puzzles, blocks, drawing and painting, and playing catch.

Don’t Forget the Eye Exam

It’s easy for us to forget about our eyes let alone our child’s, but it is very important to get your child’s eyes checked regularly.

It is absolutely critical to ensure healthy eye development and that they have the visual skills necessary for successful learning. No matter where your child will be participating in school this year — don’t skip the trip to the eye doctor.

The American Optometric Association recommends children have an eye exam by the time they reach one year old, at least once between 3 and 5 years old, and once a year after first grade until they graduate. Your eye doctor can recommend the best frequency for your child.

Your child should still receive a comprehensive eye exam, whether or not they have received a vision screening at school or even at their pediatrician’s office.  While vision screenings can indicate some vision trouble, they often only test your child’s ability to see things that are far away, such as a classroom whiteboard.  Also, keep in mind the school screeners usually do not have all the necessary equipment or training to detect many eye health problems in children.

A comprehensive eye examination looks at complete eye health, and includes tests for the following, in addition to an understanding of patient and family health history:

  • Visual acuity
  • Depth perception
  • Color vision
  • Peripheral vision
  • Refractive errors (like nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism)
  • Eye focusing, tracking, teaming and other eye movement abilities

Specialists state that 80% of what your children learn in school is taught visually. Untreated vision troubles can put children at a substantial disadvantage. Be certain to arrange that your child has a complete eye exam before school starts.


5 Most Common Eye Problems

Most people have eye problems at one time or another. Some are minor and will go away on their own, or are easy to treat at home. Others need a specialist’s care. Some eye issues come with age while others may be a serious condition.


If you’ve never had a problem with your eyes it can be easy to forget how important it is to take care of them. The good news is that it’s never too late to start taking care of your eye health. Regular eye health appointments and eye exams can lead to early diagnosis. This is key to correcting or slowing most eye conditions.  Always see your eye care professional if your vision problem lasts for more than a few days or worsens.

The five most common eye conditions leading to loss of vision or blindness are:

  • Dry Eye
  • Cataracts
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Glaucoma
  • Age-related macular degeneration

Dry Eye

Dry eye is a common condition that occurs when your tears aren’t able to provide adequate lubrication for your eyes. Tears can be inadequate for many reasons. For example, dry eyes may occur if you don’t produce enough tears or if you produce poor-quality tears. Dry eyes can also feel very uncomfortable.

Signs and symptoms, which usually affect both eyes, may include:

  • A stinging, burning or scratchy sensation in your eyes
  • Stringy mucus in or around your eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Eye redness
  • A sensation of having something in your eyes
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses
  • Difficulty with nighttime driving
  • Watery eyes, which is the body’s response to the irritation of dry eyes
  • Blurred vision or eye fatigue


A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye that typically will affect your vision. Most cataracts are related to aging. People who have cataracts often have other vision problems in one or both eyes that accompany the cataract, such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism (blurred vision), and/or presbyopia (reading problems).

The lens lies behind the iris and the pupil. It works much like a camera lens. It focuses light onto the retina at the back of the eye, where an image is recorded and sent to the brain. The lens also adjusts the eye’s focus, letting us see things clearly both up close and far away. The lens is made of mostly water and protein. The protein is arranged in a precise way that normally keeps the lens clear and lets light pass through it.

But as we age, some of the protein may clump together and start to cloud the lens. This is a cataract. Over time, the cataract may grow larger or more dense making it harder to see. There are no known medications or diets to prevent age-related cataract so currently the only treatment is cataract surgery. Consult an ophthalmologist for a cataract surgery evaluation.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetic eye disease and a leading cause of blindness in American adults caused by changes in the blood vessels of the retina.

We know that:

  • Currently more than 4 million Americans aged 40 and older have some form of diabetic retinopathy
  • There is a higher prevalence in African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, American Indians, and Alaska Natives aged 20 and older
  • Preventive measures help and it is highly treatable.

In some people with diabetic retinopathy, blood vessels may swell and leak fluid or blood inside the eye. In other people, abnormal new blood vessels grow on the surface of the retina. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. A healthy retina is necessary for good vision.

Two important tips for diabetic retinopathy prevention: 1) Diabetic retinopathy is worse in patients with poor blood sugar control, so follow your diet and medication prescriptions carefully. 2) Get a dilated eye exam from your ophthalmologist every year for early diagnosis and treatment.


Glaucoma is a disease that causes damage to the major nerve of the eye called the optic nerve, a part of the central nervous system that carries visual information from the eye to the brain.

The eye experiences a gradual increase of intraocular pressure (IOP) due to an imbalance of the fluid produced in the eye and the amount of fluid drained. Over time, elevated IOP can cause vision loss. The most common form of glaucoma is primary open angle glaucoma which affects about 3 million Americans. However, there are other types including narrow angle, congenital, normal tension, and secondary glaucoma.

At age 50 about 2% of the US population has glaucoma, increasing to 4% by age 70 and 10% for those over age 80. While anyone can develop glaucoma, there are some risk factors that increase the likelihood of having this disease, which include:

  • A family history of glaucoma
  • Mexican American heritage over the age of 60
  • African American heritage over age 40.

Often people with glaucoma are unaware they have the disease because there are no symptoms, so it is recommended that you have a dilated eye exam every two years. With early diagnosis there are treatments that can often protect against irreversible damage to the optic nerve that can lead to serious vision loss. Glaucoma can be treated with eye medications, lasers, and various surgical procedures. However, if glaucoma is not controlled can cause debilitating loss of vision.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Age-Related Macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive eye condition affecting as many as 15 million Americans. The disease attacks the macula of the eye, where our sharpest central vision occurs, affecting reading, driving, identifying faces, watching television, safely navigating stairs and performing other daily tasks. Although it rarely results in complete blindness, it robs the individual of all but the outermost, peripheral vision, leaving only dim images or black holes at the center of vision.

As the disease progresses color vision and central vision sharpness deteriorates. the gradual destruction of light sensitive cells continues until large areas are totally gone. Peripheral vision remains, but the ability to clearly see straight ahead and to see color is lost.

For many people, the first sign of macular degeneration is something they notice themselves. Straight lines like doorways or telephone wires may appear wavy or disconnected. When you look at a person, their face may be blurred while the rest of them is in focus. Lines of print may be blurred in the center or the lines may be crooked. For some people, there is a sudden blurring or loss of sight in the center of vision. For any sudden change in vision, you should contact your ophthalmologist immediately.

AMD can be classified into Early AMD and Late AMD. In Early AMD, a patient may have drusen, which are small protein/lipid deposits underneath the retina, and they can still have good vision. In Late AMD, there are two common forms that occur—wet (neovascular AMD) and dry (atrophic AMD). The wet AMD has abnormal blood vessels beneath the retina that leak blood which can greatly distort the vision and cause a central blind spot.  Approximately 10-15% of patients have the wet form. Fortunately, there are treatments for wet AMD.   To date, the dry, atrophic form of AMD does not have any treatments available. In dry AMD, the retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, which are the posterior-most layer of cells in the retina, undergo extensive degeneration that causes the overlying retina to lose function.  We do not know what causes the RPE cells to become unhealthy and start to die.  Many research laboratories worldwide are studying the causes of dry AMD and how to treat it.

Help keep your eyes healthy for years to come with regular eye exams, and treatment at the first sign of a problem.